mandag, juli 27, 2009


So, my good things today was taking my dog to visit my grandpa at the hospital, which made him light up (grandpa, not the dog 8P) and talking to Anabel after a very long time.
Hearing about her trip to Europe was just awesome and I so regret that I didn't go to London to meet up with her, seeing as she (and Kate) are the friends I've known the longest, online, whom I still talk to on occasion and she's just adorable.
She's actually the only one who will randomly IM me like...once every six months or so, lol (it's more often than I IM her, I'm afraid to admit) and when she does, we find that we have a lot to talk about, probably because it's been so long since we last talked.
But yeah, it's so nice talking to her again and we just fall right back into our crackhappy ways and I can't help but love her to death.
I promised myself that, if she can't come down and meet me when I go to America next year (she's in Canada), I -will- go to London, next time she comes there. I might do that, anyway, though.
We both just have a feeling that we'll get along great and have a blast. We may not, but I really think we will.

Nat's been away for lunch, all night (my night, her afternoon) and even though I've missed her horribly, it hasn't been as bad as I thought. And somehow, I think it's healthy for us when we go out and do something other than be quiet together, lol. It gives us something to talk about (or at least it should). I always miss her, when she's not here, though. Even if we don't talk for almost an entire night, I know she's there somewhere, in case I figure out this mystery that is life and want to share it with her 8).
I've entertained myself with National Treasure and National Treasure 2 and seeing how I love Nicholas Cage, that was awesome and then, of course, I talked to Belle as I mentioned.
Right now, it's 1.30am and even though I should go to bed and I really am tired, I can't be bothered, simply because I'm having a nice conversation with Belle.

Tomorrow, I'll be going to my hairdresser for the first time in over a year and I can't wait to have my hair look like something other than a pile of hay, for once.
Then when I get home, I'm gonna dye my hair red, again....and trust me, it's long overdue...and make blonde highlights on my mom.
And then, when Frank gets home, I'll mow the lawn. I killed our lawnmower, so he has to borrow one, for us.

Anyway, that is all and I shall go away now.

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