lørdag, oktober 10, 2009

All over the place.

Yeah, so I haven't blogged in ages and ages and today, I can't seem to stop.

I'm sick of my job. Well, no not my job, per se, but more like...my boss is a fucking weak bitch, who has to go ballistic and give us ultimatums as if we were kids, just because we challenge her and don't just bow and do as we're told.
First, it was the whole splitting-Illona-and-I-up thing. She didn't give me any good arguments, she just went 'Well, because I want it to be like that!'.
Okay, bitch...do I look 4, to you?!
And then on the 28th at our meeting, she went 'Well, if you don't want to take bloodsugars, then you can't have the nightshift at Tolleruphøj!'.
*blink* Okay, then. Well, what would you do if all of your nightshifts came to you and said 'find us dayshifts because we can't do the bloodsugar'?!
I'm sorry. I can't even be bothered to go into details because it just pisses me off to the point of me actually wanting to slap her across the face.
Damn this fucking financial crises to the eternal boilers of fucking hell, man. If I could, I'd go quit immediately and go back to working as a temp, but no, I can't do that because the cities are not allowed to use temps because they're too fucking expensive and there are no shifts to get.
Ugh! I hate being so fucking frustrated and not being able to do anything about it.
Fuck this, maybe I should ask Marianne if they're lacking any nightshifts in Egedal. That way, I'd get out, too and not be stuck inside.
I don't know. I have to find some solution to this.

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