lørdag, februar 06, 2010

Dating, part two.

Okay, so I had to cave and cancel the date. The whole thing about him having been to jail was just taking up too much space in my head.
Actually, it wasn't really the fact that he'd been to jail, because if he'd been there for a DUI or something, I wouldn't have cared, but he was there for violence...severe violence, actually and that bothered me.
I know, it's unfair because it could just, as he told me, be a mistake and something he'd never do ever again, to anyone...but honestly, I can't know that for sure and what if the temper that made him do that...made him do something similar to me, one day?
Seriously, my instincts were screaming at me to cancel and I finally wrote him a long text, explaining and apologizing (because I know it's not fair that he never got a chance), but essentially cancelling and telling him that I couldn't be his girlfriend.
I was seriously nervous, because I didn't know how he would react..and frankly I'm not completely calm, just yet, but he just wrote me a text that said 'Okay'.
My instinct tells me that I won't hear another word about it or see him again, other than if I run into him when I go shopping, but I'm not entirely sure, just yet.
Yeah, I'm completely paranoid, but I don't think that necessarily is a bad thing, when meeting people you've met online.

*pause* And despite this paranoia, I'm still willing to go to the states to visit a girl that I've never met before. Okay, we've talked for more than 2 years, but still. Ironic, huh?

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